
ArteMuse was born in a tea room at the beginning of 2022 when two new friends, sitting at an elegant table, looked into each other’s eyes and thought that the world needed a new girl power!

The thread that binds our vocal quintet is the goal of realizing our common dream, supported by the thought that Everything you can imagine is real. On the other hand, it seems that this phrase was said by a certain Pablo Picasso, who understood something about creativity!

But our meeting was not accidental: we strongly sought each other, we overcame many misadventures (we are Disney heroines, after all!) and finally we are ready to start this new incredible journey!

We have been inspired by all forms of art, by history and its incredible teachings and we have chosen to be guided by those who have made the nine arts their profession … the Muses!

We go through the music leading you to the rediscovery of Disney songs that have thrilled entire generations, telling them in a key a bit… Different!

We will take you to explore new sounds, we will weave the stories of the brave protagonists and their nice helpers and antagonists but, above all, we will reread their historical adventures in a way that (yet!) you have not seen!

We are the ArteMuses, goddesses of the arts and proclaimers of heroes… Get inspired!
