Walter Leoni
Born in 1975. Cartoonist, illustrator, humorous and satirical cartoonist, he has published cartoons and satirical strips in numerous newspapers and weeklies, including Par Condicio, Smemoranda, Veleno settimanale, Il Misfatto, Il Ruvido, Libero Veleno, Alias Comics and for the online newspaper Fanpage.
He illustrated Maurizio Milani’s book Fidanzarsi non conviene, the book ARTErnativa and is co-author of the satirical biography Bischerock’n’roll – Matteo Renzi: una vita a cento all’ora.
He collaborates with the monthly Il Nuovo Candido, the monthly Prisma and the biannual Comics & Science.
In 2020 his first graphic novel entitled SS TATA was published by Dentiblù Presenta (EdizioniBD).