Why do few women make comics or work in the video game industry? Why do few women make comics or work in the video game industry? What are the difficulties that a girl has to face in order to find her place in the industry she loves? What are the difficulties that a girl has to face in order to find her place in the industry she loves? We discuss it with the cartoonists Silvia Ziche and Vanessa Cardinali and with the vice president of the Vigamus Videogame Museum Giulia Rovai.

In collaboration with the project Games, Fumetti e Cartoon. Riconoscere gli stereotipi di genere per promuovere relazioni più rispettose e paritarie, with the contribution of the ER Region – call n. 1742, dgr n. 1832/22

The program 2023

Event location and date

07/13/2023 from 18:00 to 19:00
Palazzo Del Turismo – Palazzina Roma
Piazzale Federico Fellini n. 3
47921 Rimini


Free full admission
Free reduced admission

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