Signor Rossi by Bruno Bozzetto

Il premio si propone di incentivare e riconoscere i talenti emergenti delle scuole di cinema d’animazione internazionali, offrendo una piattaforma per mostrare le loro opere al pubblico.

I cortometraggi possono essere realizzati con una varietà di tecniche differenti e spaziare tra una vasta gamma di contenuti, dalle opere di fiction ai progetti didattici, sperimentali e di computer grafica.

Durante la serata verranno proiettati:

Grandpa Mazay and the sunbunnies by Kristina Shcherbakova,The Saint-Petersburg State University of Film and Television, Russia, 2023 (6’19”)

Come back to my shelf by Marina Zinkevich, The Saint-Petersburg State University of Film and Television, Russia, 2023 (8’9”)

When the snow will fall byEkaterina Asrieva, St.Petersburg State University of Film and Television, Russia, 2023 (7’50”)

Cmok by Tatyana Sergeevna Syatkovskaya, St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, Russia, 2023 (5’)

Evermore by Maria Sergeevna Plosman, St. Petersburg State University of Film and Television, Russia, 2023 (4’37”)

Compromise byAnna Isakova, Ural State University of Architecture and Art, Russia, 2023 (2’34”)

Goodbye people by Anna Klimanova, SMF animation studio film directing course, Russia, 2023 (4’12”)

The wasteland ByTimotej Lukovič, Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava , Slovakia, 2023 (9’28”)

Idollize by Sebastian Alexander Ascarruz Rosas, Araceli Cornejo, Toulouse Lautrec, Peru, 2023 (8’05”)

Astropez by Melany Ramos, Toulouse Lautrec, Peru, 2023 (5’23”)

Cloudy by Joshua Pereira, NTU (Nanyang Technological University), Singapore, 2023 (6’57”)

The snail by Yunxin Ngin, NTU (Nanyang Technological University), Singapore, 2023 (3’38”)

Covert byBevryn Chua, Rodolfo Barcelli, Celeste Chia, NTU (Nanyang Technological University), Singapore, 2023 (5’7”)

Bahr by Belal Abosamra, High Cinema Institute, Egypt, 2023 (7’30”)

Every little things ByYifei Wang, School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, China, 2023 (4’2”)

Pigeon bread wanderer by Mingyu Zhang, School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, 2023 (4’33”)

Gone with the bus by Jiangyu Chen, School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, China, 2023 (4’16”)

Cat’s dilemma by Chenyu Lin, Yi Shuan Lee, Jit Thong Ng, School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, China ,2023


Solong memories by Ruihan Zhang, Wenzi Shan, Xingyi Chen, School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, China, 2023 (5’02”)

Cat paw print by ke Ma, Xuanyu Wu, Xuxuan Lin, Yue Long , School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, China, 2023 (3’55”)

Next movement by Zihao Wei, Chi Shen, School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, China, 2023 (3’26”)

Bubbles by Lezhi Xiao, School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, China, 2023 (7’35”)

Zao zao’s hobbies by Yuxin Huang, School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, China, 2023 (8’40)”

Wave by Xiao Wei,Tianwei Yan, School of Animation and Digital Arts Communication University of China, China ,2023 (5’50”)

Cocoon byYiwei Chen, Royal College of Art, China, 2023 (4’30)

Lucky’s plan(e)t by Marko Vasić, Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade, Serbia, 2023 (4’53”)

Red snow by Jonathan Dumosch, School Sapir Academic College, Israel, 2023 (8’15”)

The day pigs flew by Francisco Parreira, Hugo Guedes, Sebastião Salvador, Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa, Portugal, 2023 ( 5’4”)

Dead end by Helena Duarte, Lara Marjo, Júlia Leite, Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa, Portugal, 2023 (2’40”)

Between us by Bárbara Barreto, Caroline Soares, João Cadima, Universidade Lusófona de Lisboa, Portugal, 2023 (5’15”)

Ribbons by Julia Sieczkowska, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu, Poland, 2023 (4’55”)

Kapitan by Andrei Simkin, ESCAC, Spain, 2023 (9’41”)

Lifetime by Ariadna Puigdemasa, LCI Barcelona, Spain, 2023 (6’45”)

Daisy by Aditi Dixit, Shecid Domínguez, Pepot Atienza, Bau-College of Art and Design, Spain, 2023(4’48”)

Il programma 2024

Luogo e data dell'evento

16/07/2024 dalle 21:00 alle 00:00
Cortile della Biblioteca Gambalunga
Via Gambalunga 27
47921 Rimini


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