The Riminicomix exhibition-market that will take place in Piazzale Fellini from 14 to 17 July 2022 will be, as always, managed by Acli Arte e Spettacolo APS Provincial Headquarters of Rimini / Cartoon Club, as the actual owner of the event itself since its inception in 1997 and will maintain all the characteristics of previous years, including the Cosplay Convention on the same dates.
From this edition Mr. Egisto Quinti Seriacopi, who worked on the organization of the RIMINICOMIX event in the name and on behalf of Acli Arte e Spettacolo APS Provincial Headquarters of Rimini and the BHC group that provided its professional services for the organization of the Cosplay Convention, always on behalf of our association, have concluded their collaboration with the Rimini event of their own will.
We apologize to the public and the standers for the misleading communication that is circulating and that does not depend on our will.
We would also like to inform you that from 2 March 2022 the collaboration has started with Cartoon Club, Italian Exibition Group and Fandango Club Creators, in the launch of the new JOY RIMINI trade fair event, the fair dedicated to Games – Esports and POP Culture.
JOY Rimini, is promoted by Italian Exibition Group, Fandango Club Creators.
The city of Rimini will therefore host a single and unique major event lasting a week (11-17 July) able to network all the worlds of pop culture with initiatives spread between marina center, historic center and exhibition hall. In the weekend is added Riminicomix, which opens on July 14th and JOY RIMINI which opens its doors from the morning of July 15th.
It will be an extraordinary weekend with guests, events, screenings and operators in the sector who will alternate between the Exhibition Hall and the city, and then conclude everything at the same time on July 17th.
To offer more opportunities and create synergies with high added value, it was decided by mutual agreement that the sale of the commercial spaces will be managed by a team formed by the historical staff of Riminicomix and Cartoon Club and by the commercial organization of Joy Rimini (Fandango Club Creators and IEG Italian Exhibition Group).
No other subject is entitled to relate to the market for the sale of spaces in the name and on behalf of the aforementioned events.