Patricia Martinelli

Patricia Martinelli was born in Cervia, province of Ravenna, to a Milanese family.
Graduated in Philology and Literature at moscow University, for a couple of years she played the role of interpreter at Snam progetti, but soon the vocation of writing prevailed, so in 1968 she entered the world of publishing collaborating with the weekly Ciao, Amici.
In 1969 she began working as an editor at the Astorina, also signing numerous screenplays.
The first story she collaborates on is, Le lacrime della sirena, the first one she writes alone is Ciak si muore.
In the meantime, he continued his activity as a journalist in parallel, working among others for Mondadori and for the newspapers Due più.
In 1975 she moved to the Casa Editrice Universo becoming chief editor of L’Intrepido, Il Monello, and of the entire comics sector, signing various series such as, Paris-Jour, Terza Liceo, Clan Segugi, a very active author who in the period also signed many free stories.
In 1992 she was recalled to Astorina by Luciana Giussani and took on the role of Editor-in-Chief of the Diabolik magazine, which she held for nine years. Today she is the leading screenwriter of the series; almost all the stories between regular and special series, are scripted by her.
After many years of signing most of the King of Terror scripts, he slowed down production in 2008.