Mabel Morri

Mabel Morri was born in Rimini in 1975.

In 1999 he published the fanzine Hai mai notato la forma delle mele?, republished in anthology by Renbooks in 2014.

In 2002 she won the Scenario prize at the Lucerne Comics Festival in Switzerland and in 2004 the Micheluzzi Nuove Strade, awarded to her by Milo Manara and Vittorio Giardino.

In 2004 he published the anthology Vite comuni for the Centro Fumetto Andrea Pazienza.

From 2005 to 2009 he published with the selfcomics label.

In 2009 he published his first comic novel entitled Io e te su Naboo.

In 2014 he frescoed in comics the eight columns of the church of San Martino in Riparotta in Viserba di Rimini.

In 2017 he published his third comic novel Il giorno più bello for Rizzoli Lizard.

In 2021 comes out for Fandango Books on texts by journalists D’Alessandro and Giammo Voglio essere una calciatrice, the short stories I volantini di Lauro stanno ancora cadendo on Antifanzine! 5 and L’aquila di legno della sede dell’MSI è bruciata in una notte di nebbia e di stelle on Antifanzine! 7, the comic Dalla parte giusta della storia. Il PCI, l’Italia, le lotte sindacali, Senigallia for the association Gli amici dell’unità solidale di Senigallia.

His blog is
