Laura Scarpa

Born in Venice, she moved to Milan and today lives and works in Rome.

Already as a teenager he decided he wanted to make comics, he met Hugo Pratt to whom for a few years he will show his drawings and receive advice.

Other fundamental meetings are with Guido Buzzelli, Dino Battaglia and Lorenzo Mattotti.

It debuted in years when the authors of comics in Italy are very few. He made his debut in 1978 on Linus with Il Drago and then drew Moll Flanders, from the novel by Daniel Defoe for Edizioni Ottaviano.

Over the years she has collaborated extensively; as an author she writes and draws stories for the most famous Italian magazines: Orient Express, Corriere dei Piccoli, Snoopy, Ragazza In, for which she creates the character of Martina, Lupo Alberto Magazine, Blue, Terre di Mezzo, Mondo Naif, Touch, Canemucco and Internazionale.

Among his graphic novels: Venturina Veneziana, Come la vita, Cuori di carne, Amori lontani, La vita inattesa (Rizzoli Lizard 2014), War painters 1915-1918, Come l’arte salva dalla guerra and in 2021 Sarah dai capelli blu, for ComicOut.

In France in 2017 he published Sous les étoiles for Delcourt and later for Hachette and in the magazine Les Cahiers de la Bande Dessinée a story in which he talks about his meeting with Hugo Pratt.

Laura Scarpa combines her work as an author with a tireless activity that covers the world of comics in the round, in its different facets, with a fundamental look at its cultural diffusion.

As a Publisher, in 2012 she founded the Cultural Association ComicOut, whose purpose is the promotion and knowledge of comics, as an autonomous language and as art. ComicOut, which this year celebrates ten years of activity, publishes comics and essays.  Of 2021 is Vivi! wordless book that explains the path of migrants, in support of SOS Mediterranee. He taught for many years in various training realities and in 2002 he created and directed Scuola di Fumetto, a magazine of information and culture on comics, published by Coniglio Editore, a publishing house for which he also created ANIMAls.

It has always paid great attention to the potential offered by the network to the language of comics. In 2011, he founded and directed A Scuola di Fumetto Online, with students and teachers in Italian all over the world, and is the first school of its kind in Europe. He also publishes two stories in the English-language digital magazine Aces Weekley, directed by Davi Lloyd. He writes essays and didactic texts including: Praticamente Fumetti, The First Fumetto facile, L’arte della sceneggiatura, Disegnare Dylan Dog and Hugo Pratt – The Lost Lessons.

In 2022 two volumes signed by Laura Scarpa: a project for Mondadori, Sinfonia. Violante and Laurentina, based on two novels by Bianca Pitzorno, and, for Shockdom, the graphic novel Iqbal, the Pakistani child and worker who became a symbol of the fight against child labor, of which he wrote the screenplay with the drawings of Tarma.
