Claudio Sciarrone

Claudio Sciarrone began working for Mickey Mouse not even twenty years old in the early nineties.

He drew several stories for the weekly Disney and, in 1995, joined the staff that designed the revolutionary series PKNA – Paperinik New Adventures, which will debut the following year. Sciarrone draws the second issue (Il vento del tempo on texts by Alessandro Sisti) and many others among the most beloved of the series.

In the early 2000s he created with Fausto Vitaliano Speed Loop, of which only the number zero is published. It is the first work he designed completely digitally, a technique that he has been adopting for more than a decade for each of his works.

Later he was called to draw the comic book version of the animated films Atlantis, Monsters & Co., Finding Nemo and Wall-E.

Outside of Disney he has collaborated as an illustrator on several television programs, such as Il mercante in fiera di Italia 1 and Delitti Rock by Rai Due, as well as some Disney Channel formats.

Since 2012 he has created the characters of the Ugly Duckling, pin up ducks protagonists of prints, illustrations and calendars. He is also the character creator and co-creator of the animated television series Le straordinarie avventure di Jules Verne for Lux-Vide and Rai Due.

In recent years he has designed for Mickey Mouse stories such as Topolino e le vacanze in fuga, on texts by Marco Bosco, the parody Don Pipotte with Fausto Vitaliano and the stories Gli argini del tempo, Cronaca di un ritorno and Droidi belonging to the relaunch of PK.

As a complete author he has published in the weekly the appreciated Red Leaves, of which a second season is coming, and Fast Track Mickey.
