With Don Alemanno

Don Alemanno returns with his format on hoaxes in Japanese cartoons in Italy, this time focusing his dissemination on the age-old problem of censorship.

Who did the “cut and sew” of the titles coming from the Rising Sun, and what were the reasons? But above all, within what historical and cultural scenario did all this take place?

The author takes us on a journey that starts from the 80s to get to more modern times, with the aim of making viewers understand – of whatever age group they are – how anime in Italy have been the mirror of the evolution of this country and, at times, of its regression. As usual, we laugh so as not to cry.

The program 2024

Event location and date

07/19/2024 from 19:00 to 20:00
Community Stage
Piazzale Federico Fellini
via Saint Maur de Fosses
47921 Rimini


Free admission

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