with Silver, Vittorio Giardino, Lucio Filippucci, Moreno Burattini, Davide Barzi and Stefano Fantelli. Moderated by Paolo Guiducci

The creator of Martin Mystère, who passed away in February, was a close friend of Cartoon Club. In over twenty years he has never missed an edition of the festival, participating only once remotely when his health had not allowed him to come to Rimini.

The meeting is meant to be a big hug to one of the most influential cartoonists of the last half century by many of his friends: colleagues, collaborators, and the public that hung on his lips every year at the meetings.

The program 2024

Event location and date

07/20/2024 from 19:00 to 20:00
Alfredo Castelli Hall
Palazzo Del Turismo – Palazzina Roma
Piazzale Federico Fellini n. 3
47921 Rimini


Free admission

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