Kamehouse was born in Verona as an online shop, and deals with the creation and sale of Cosplay products.

Our company target is to guarantee the customer a very high quality in the products, at very affordable prices, so that all cosplayers can aspire to the top.

All our lenses are annual and CE certified, more than 2000 models available.

Wigs of the highest quality, hairstyles, make-up of the best brands, cosplay costumes to no end complete the choice of the kamehouse world made for cosplayers, and for those approaching this world for the first time.

Under the Kamehouseshop roof, we have the cosplay gazette that deals with selling cosplay materials such as foam and worbla, to create every kind of accessory and armor possible.

For those who want to quench their thirst and eat Japanese food, Bubbletearapy, the food section of Kamehouseshop, will offer you amazing bubbletea and takoyaki.

The kamehouse world is waiting for you with open arms to have fun with each comic!!

Follow Kamehouse

Website: www.kamehouseshop.it

IG: @kamehouseshopitaly

FB: @kamehouseveronashop
